Do You Have Restless Legs? Try These Yoga Poses!

Yoga has poses that can be used to relieve all sorts of pain and symptoms one experiences. In this article, you will find a video that will help you with your restless legs. Restless legs cause unpleasant or uncomfortable sensations in the legs and an irresistible urge to move. Are you ready to get help for this syndrome?

Tower writes in the comments:

I’ll see if it helps but I was kinda embarrassed at how tight my legs were when I tried this. I really need to stretch this way more

With restless legs, you want to stretch the Psoas muscles and the Quadriceps.

The first yoga pose you can do is stretching your Quadriceps. Lie down on your side with one hip over the other. Hug your lower leg with your lower hand. The upper leg will in turn be held by your upper hand.

Make sure that in this pose, you keep the knee parallel to the floor. Upon exhale, slowly bring back the knee backwards as far as you can go to get that stretch.

Bring the knee back to the center and then bring it backwards again. Do this for a couple of breaths. Do it on the other side, too!

Stretching The Psoas Muscles

For the next yoga pose, you have to use a theraband. Put your foot inside the band and bring the rest of the band over your shoulder. You can watch the video above to understand better how to do this.

Keep your lower back nice and open while doing this pose. Lengthen your legs and then bend it while pulling the resistance band.

After doing this for both sides, lie on your back and rest.

Restless legs are often worse at night, which can make it difficult to sleep. A lack of sleep can lead to a range of problems, including weight gain, depression, and insulin resistance.

It’s important to address the causes of restless legs syndrome in order to improve your quality of life. A variety of seated exercises can help relieve restless leg syndrome.

There are several more Yoga poses for restless legs that can help ease the symptoms of restless legs. These positions open the hips and lengthen the spine. When performed properly, they also relieve pressure on the knees.

Try performing these poses at the end of the day to prepare your body for a restful night’s sleep.

Yoga poses for restless legs / Canva
Yoga poses for restless legs