Are You Suffering From Back Pain? We Have Three Yoga Poses To Relieve That Pain!

Back pain is common with the many factors most people deal with. If you work a desk job or if you do work that doesn’t require much movement, expect that you will have back pain. Aging also causes back pain. Although it is common, you should not live with it that is why if you want to relieve yourself from that back pain, check out the yoga poses below!

Kenny writes in the comments:

Thanks for the guide. Glad I’m following Dhivya, she’s one of the better instructors w easy to follow along steps

The first pose for your back pain is the Butterfly Pose. When doing this yoga pose, you begin with a seated position. Bring the bottoms of your feet together and let your knees fall open. Your heels should be a good distance from your body so you can do the flapping motion with your legs with ease. Make sure that there is like a diamond shape when you do this pose.

Once you get that distance correctly and you are comfortable, slowly round your back and do the pose. Do this for one to five minutes and feel the pose helping you relieve your back pain!

The Other Yoga Poses For Relieving Back Pain

Next is the chair pose. With the chair pose, your feet should be side by side and about hips’ width apart. Lift your arms in the air and above your head. Bend your knees as you exhale as if you were to lean back and sit on an invisible chair.

This pose engages your thigh muscles and your lower back.

The last yoga pose for relieving back pain is the Revolved Chair Pose. When doing this pose, point your tailbone back so that your knees bend and your torso extends forward. Make sure to plant your heels to engage the back of your legs. Extend your arms all the way forward and then place your arms on the ground. Once you are ready, bring your elbow over your knees and twist to the side. You will feel that stretch and it will feel amazing!

Yoga To Relieve Back Pain?

Back pain is a common problem that can be alleviated by practicing yoga. This exercise helps stretch and strengthen your muscles and spine, thereby reducing pain. It can also help you reduce stress and improve your posture.

Back pain can become worse if the spine is out of alignment. The key to this exercise is breathing deeply into tight areas and maintaining a neutral posture.

The benefits of yoga for back pain include improved flexibility, increased strength, and balance. It’s important to remember to warm up before practicing yoga and always listen to your body. If you experience pain during a pose, stop and consult with a chiropractor.

There are numerous studies showing that yoga may reduce the effects of back pain. But no one is sure what the exact mechanism is behind yoga’s effect on the back. There are several plausible mechanisms for this effect.

First, yoga improves posture and reduces mental stress. Second, yoga increases body awareness, which is an important factor in relieving back pain.


Three Yoga Poses To Relieve Back Pain / Canva
Three Yoga Poses To Relieve Back Pain