Here Are 30 Basic Beginner Yoga Poses You Can Try At Home (Video)

Yoga is a practice that is good for the body. It’s great for increased flexibility, muscle strength, weight reduction, cardio and circulatory health, and more. This is the reason why it’s a no-brainer that many people want to try it. In this video, you will find 30 basic beginner yoga poses you can try at home.

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In the video, the yoga teacher, Uliana, just showed the basic yoga poses. She did not make modifications as she wants to show many beginner yoga poses in such a short time.

The Beginner Yoga Poses

She started with standing yoga poses. First is the Mountain Pose or the Tadasana. Next is the chair pose or the Utkatasana. She also did standing forward bend and half forward bend, called Uttanasana and Ardha Uttanasana, respectively.

She moved on to the poses where you would need to be on your hands. The first pose she did was the plank pose or the Phalakasana. She also did the cobra pose or the Bhujangasana where you have to lift your upper chest part while the rest of your body is close to the ground while laying on your tummy. Uliana finished this series of hand-related poses with the famous Downward Facing Dog Pose and the Three-Legged Downward Facing Dog Pose.

Next, Uliana showed the poses where you can test the strength of your legs and feet. She showed how to do the high lunge, Warrior I, Warrior II, Reverse Warrior, Extended Side Angle, Triangle Pose, Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend, and Tree Pose.

She then demonstrated the beginner yoga poses where you can sit. These poses are called Garland pose, Easy pose, Bound Angle pose, and. Wide-legged Seated Forward Bend. Uliana also showed her viewers the best poses to give that lower back a good stretch. These are Child’s Pose, Cat-Cow, Staff Pose, Seated Forward Bend, Seated Spinal Twist, Head To Knee Pose, Bridge Pose, Happy Baby, and Supine Spinal Twist.

She ended her demonstration with Savasana, the corpse pose, which is usually the last pose for recovery after a session of yoga. You just lie on the floor with your feet and arms spread out to relax and catch your breath before ending your yoga class.

For beginner yoga practitioners, it can be useful to start with some basic beginner yoga poses. These will help you assess your body’s alignment and posture. Beginners should practice these poses mindfully, taking conscious breaths. As your practice progresses, you can work up to more advanced poses. Basic beginner yoga poses are essential to any yoga practice.

There are many different ways to practice the basic beginner yoga poses, and they can be performed alone or as part of a yoga flow. Intermediate and advanced yogis, however, may find these poses to be challenging. For beginners, these positions are ideal for getting to know your body and strengthening it.

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30 Basic Beginner Yoga Poses You Can Try At Home / Canva
30 Basic Beginner Yoga Poses You Can Try At Home