The Warrior 1 pose in yoga is a foundational yoga pose. Usually, it is done after the downward facing dog pose. The Warrior 1 yoga pose is actually one of the three Warrior Poses. It is also part of the Sun Salutation B yoga series, wherein you do many poses that will warm up the body and prepare you for the rest of your practice.
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Thank you so much! Great job, keep it coming.
Like what was stated above, you will do the Warrior 1 pose from doing the downward dog pose. Once you are done with the downward dog pose, step one foot forward, planting it firmly between your hands.
Breathe in and reach your arms to the sky to get to the Warrior 1 Pose. Make sure that the foot you earlier put forward is bent while the foot that remains at the back is stretched. Your back foot should also be at a 45-degree angle.
Stack your knee over your ankle for the foot that is in front. Squeeze the muscles from there and then breathe. Relax your shoulders and bring your hands to a prayer position.
The Benefits Of Warrior 1 Yoga Pose
The Warrior 1 yoga pose might be a tiresome pose because many of your muscles are working. However, you should make sure to incorporate it in your yoga practice because there are many benefits to doing this pose.
First, it strengthens your legs and upper arms. Next, it improves your balance and core strength. Lastly, it stretches the muscles around your hips.