Do You Feel Bloated? Try These Yoga Poses To Relieve Yourself From A Bloated Tummy!

When you are bloated, there is an abnormal gas swelling in the abdominal area. A person who feels bloated experiences tight abdomen that can even cause abdominal pain. If you feel bloated, you can try some yoga poses to relieve yourself from that feeling. With these yoga poses, it improves your digestion by increasing blood flow to your digestive tract!

Solar writes in the comments:

Awesome advice! You always have great posts!!

The first yoga pose you can do is the Triangle pose. Turn your right foot out 90 degrees while keep your left foot facing forward. Lift both your arms and keep them parallel to the floor. Bring your right hand down to your right foot while your left hand should be up in the air. Bend at the waist while doing this pose.

The next pose is the Seated Forward Bend Pose. Here, you sit on the floor when doing this yoga pose. Bring both your legs in front of you and keep our back straight. Slowly bend towards your foot and bend at the hips as you lower your torso.

The Other Yoga Poses For Bloated Tummies

Another yoga pose you can try for when you are feeling bloated is the Bow Pose. You can watch the video on how to do this pose. With the bow pose, you energize your internal organs and stimulate your adrenal glands. It then increases blood flow to your digestive system, which not only combats bloating, but also prevents constipation and eases your digestion.

The next yoga pose to try is the Wind Relieving Posture or the Pavanamuktasana. Do this while you are lying down. Interlock your hands on your knees while they are bent. Try bringing your chin toward your knees when doing this pose.

Lastly, you can do the Cat-Cow Pose. Do this pose while you are on a table top position. On the inhale, lift your tailbone up and arch your spine so your belly releases towards the floor. On the exhale, press the floor away as you round your back towards the ceiling. Repeat this for a couple of breaths.

Did these yoga poses help you with your bloated tummy? Comment below!

Yoga Poses To Relieve Yourself From A Bloated Tummy / Canva
Yoga Poses To Relieve Yourself From A Bloated Tummy