Strengthen Your Wrists With These Yoga Poses!

Nowadays, many people work while they are on their laptops or computers. One common problem they encounter is the aching of the wrists. To help with this problem, you can start strengthening your wrists. Below, you will find some yoga poses to do just that!

Debasish writes in the comments:

Madam, thanks fully I am watching these videos are very helpful tips and yoga work.

The first yoga pose you can try to strengthen your wrists is Dandasana. Dandasana is a pose you can do while you are seated. Bring your hands to the floor and with the help of the pressure from your hands, press the sitting bones on the floor and point the crown of your head to the ceiling. This does not only strengthen your wrists, but also lengthen and straighten your spine. Do this pose for about 20 to 30 seconds.

Next is the side plank. It is great for your arms and your wrists because you try to carry the weight of your body with them. It also works on your core muscles. Stay in this position for five to ten minutes per side.

The Other Yoga Poses For Strengthening Your Wrists

The third yoga pose is the Upward Plank Pose. It is as if you are doing a bridge pose, but your abdomen does not point towards the ceiling. It is like a reverse table top pose.

The fourth yoga pose is the downward facing dog. Here, you use your wrists and your arms to support you as you bring your hips towards the ceiling.

Lastly, you can do the crow pose. You basically carry your weight with your arms, wrists, and hands. Watch the video to understand how to do this pose!

If you feel any pain while doing these poses, it is best to stop and seek professional help.

Strengthen Wrists With Yoga

Yoga can help you strengthen wrists in a variety of ways. Yoga poses can improve your wrist health and athletic performance. You can perform yoga poses while watching TV or slip them in between more strenuous workouts. Using the right yoga exercises for wrists can make all the difference in your training.

One way to strengthen wrists is with resistance band exercises. Before you begin any resistance band exercises, make sure you have a tensioned resistance band. For these exercises, you need to start small and do two sets per wrist. Then, you can progress to two sets per hand.

While yoga poses are excellent for strengthening wrists, you should work up to weight-bearing poses on your hands slowly. Start with poses that don’t require you to extend your wrists more than 90 degrees. Once you reach this point, you should gradually walk your wrists back to directly underneath your shoulders.

Strengthen Your Wrists With These Yoga / Canva
Strengthen Your Wrists With These Yoga