Want To Have Slim Thighs And Hips? Check Out These Five Yoga Poses Now!

Many people feel that their thighs and hips are too big and wide. So, if you want to get rid of the fat around those areas, there are some yoga poses you can try. The thighs and the hips are two of the most common areas that don’t get much mobility because of our lifestyles nowadays. That is why you can try doing these at home so you can give the much-needed attention to those areas.

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The first pose you can do is when you are standing up. Bring your bottom downwards as if you are squatting. Bring your arms over your head in a prayer position. This is called the chair pose.

Next is a lying down position. Bring your ankles as close as you can to your bottom while your knees are bent. Lift your hips all the way up as much as you can. This is a modified bridge pose.

The Three Other Yoga Poses For Slimmer Hips And Thighs

The third yoga pose is Salabhasana. You can check the video on how to do this yoga pose while lying on your belly.

The fourth yoga pose for slimmer hips and thighs is the butterfly pose. Just put the soles of your feet together while you are sitting. Flap your thighs as you are doing this pose. This pose helps in opening up your groin and your hips especially if the muscles there are tight.

Lastly, it is a combination of yoga poses but it is called Warrior Pose 1. With this yoga pose, you start with a downward dog position.

When it comes to exercising your body, you don’t want to just focus on your arms, legs, or abs. You also want to give your hips and thighs the same attention.

While these muscles can seem like they don’t provide as much value as other parts of your body, they’re actually one of your best weapons against fat. Because of this, if you want to burn more calories and trim your waistline, you need to focus on working out those hips and thighs.

But while you can exercise them by doing traditional exercises, you can also use yoga to work them out. And while this may sound like a difficult task, it’s actually quite easy.

5 Additional poses

Here are five yoga poses that you can do to strengthen and tone your thighs and hips.

The Cat Pose

Cat pose is a great way to work out your thighs. In this pose, you simply lie on your stomach with your arms stretched above your head. You then lift one leg up so that it reaches behind your head and wraps around your neck. Then you slowly lower your leg back down, stretching your thigh.

The Reclining Leg Hug

This is one of my favorite yoga poses. But it’s also one of the most difficult. To do this pose, you lie down on your back and pull your knees up towards your chest. Then you gently hold your legs together and hug them to your body. As you do this, you should feel a stretch in your thighs and hips.

The Seated Forward Bend

If you’re looking to strengthen and tone your thighs and hips, this is one of the best poses you can do. To do this pose, you sit on the floor and bring your legs toward your chest. Then you place your hands on your knees and slowly lean forward.

You can then bend your elbows and press your forearms onto your knees, using your forearm strength to help pull your thighs closer to your body.

The Plank

In this pose, you’re lying on your belly, and your hands are placed underneath your shoulders. Then you slowly lift your hips up until you are standing on your feet.

Then you straighten your legs and place them shoulder width apart. You can also press your palms against the ground to help keep yourself stable.

The Squat

This is one of the easiest yoga poses you can do to tone and strengthen your thighs and hips. Simply stand up, and then place your hands on your thighs. Then you squat down, placing your knees directly under your shoulders. Your heels can remain flat on the floor, or you can push your toes into the floor.


Yoga for Slim Thighs And Hips / Canva
Yoga for Slim Thighs And Hips