A Three-Minute Morning Yoga Routine? Sign Up!

Yoga doesn’t have to be an hour-long or more class. If you are a beginner and you want to jumpstart your day with yoga, you can do so by doing this three-minute yoga routine. The video features fitness and wellness expert Tracey Mallett. She says that this routine is the perfect workout every morning!

Sam writes in the comments:

Thank you for this! It helps me to prevent my limbs from locking up the next morning. I do this every night after band practice.

First, you have to stand straight and inhale. As you exhale, bring your arms all the way up over your head. Bring your arms down to your feet and try to bring your head as close to your knee as possible.

The Rest Of The 3-Minute Yoga Morning Routine

Look in to the horizon as you have your head close to your knee. Take a step back and set yourself in a lunge position. Stretch your hamstrings and from there bring your hips up so your toes from your leg that is not stretched will come up.

Put your head near your shin and then rotate your arm that you are not using to support yourself. Bring that arm over your head and shoulders as high as you can. This opens your back and your chest.

Next, be in a plank position. And then, repeat the same steps from doing the lunge pose on the other side of your body.

From there, go back to the plank position. Drop your knees a couple of times to work on your
abdominals. Send your hips towards the sky and get yourself ready in a downward dog position. The key to the downward dog position is to press your heels towards the floor and have your chest positioned near your knees.

Walk your feet towards your hands and roll your spine upwards. Inhale and exhale again.

How to make you feel comfortable?

Do you want to get into yoga practice in the morning? It can be challenging, but there are many ways to do it.

Yoga in the morning is something that I don’t often talk about in my classes, but I want to give you some tips that you can use.

The most important thing is to be comfortable with yourself. If you feel like you are going to fall out of the pose, or if you are too stiff, then you need to back off. The point of yoga is to relax your body and open your mind, so you should be comfortable with your body.

Make sure that you are practicing in a safe environment. If you practice outside, make sure you are using proper precautions. Wear shoes that are appropriate for the terrain, wear a hat, and stay away from areas with a lot of traffic.

If you are practicing indoors, make sure that your space is well lit. Have enough room for your mat, as well as your props. You also want to make sure that your space is quiet. The goal of yoga is to connect with yourself, so you want to make sure that you aren’t distracted.

Also, you want to make sure that you have a mat that is soft and comfortable. If you aren’t comfortable, then you will probably want to practice at home instead of in the studio.

Three-Minute Morning Yoga Routine / Canva
Three-Minute Morning Yoga Routine