Working On Your Posture? Try These Three Lateral Yoga Poses!

Proper posture is important to improve spine health. Whenever we do not have proper posture, we will experience back and neck pain. So, if you want to improve your posture and decrease the chances of experiencing back and neck pain, you can do so by doing some lateral yoga poses. Check the poses below and start doing them today!

Jayaraman writes in the comments:

Nice, presentation in a relaxed manner. best wishes ..

The first yoga pose for better posture is the Vrikshasana or the tree pose. This is great for teaching you how to balance while toning the muscles of the legs. When doing this, make sure that you put your foot under or above the knee. Never put your foot on the knee so it does not cause any strain to that area. Aside from toning the legs, lengthening your spine, and improving your posture, the tree pose is also great in developing your core and shoulders.

If you are a beginner, try doing this pose while near a wall so that you can be safe if you are having troubles with balancing on the first few tries.

The Other Two Yoga Poses For Improving Posture

The next yoga pose for improving posture is the Utthita Trikonasana or the Extended Triangle Pose. This is a standing pose and it focuses on the thighs as well as the back. It helps you relieve stress and stretches and lengthens a number of parts of your body.

In this pose, you have your legs spread apart and one foot is at a 90-degree angle. Extend both your arms, bend your body toward the lead foot, and have one arm reach towards the ground, while the other reaches towards the sky.

The last pose in this article is the Utthita Parsvakonasana or the Extended Side Angle Pose. It is an asymmetrical standing pose and when you do this, the spine is working toward axial extension with the front knee and hip in deep flexion. This is a challenging, but an invigorating pose.

Work on Posture With Yoga

Yoga can help you work on your posture and strengthen your body. There are several poses that are good for your posture. For example, you can try the Shiva Pose, which is named after the fierce incarnation of Shiva. This pose strengthens your legs and opens your hips and chest. It is easy to do from a chair.

Proper posture is important for your health and well-being. It will affect your mood and energy levels. Poor posture will also cause you to develop bad habits. The goal of posture correction is not perfect alignment, but a healthy alignment that makes you feel good and strong. However, finding a good alignment can take time and patience.

Yoga Can Help Correct Postural Problems?

Yoga poses help you correct common postural problems. Poor posture can result from poor lifestyle habits, such as slumping shoulders and a forward head. Practicing yoga regularly will improve your posture over time. This is because yoga strengthens your postural muscles, which are usually smaller and deeper than other parts of your body.


How To Work on Your Posture With Yoga / Canva
How To Work on Your Posture With Yoga