Have PCOS Or Know Anyone Suffering From It? Try These 5 Yoga Poses To Help With Your Situation!

PCOS or polycystic ovarian syndrome is a health condition common to women with regard to their reproductive system. It is caused by hormonal imbalance. Women with PCOS may suffer from weight gain or loss of weight, depression, and more. Here are five yoga poses you can try if you have PCOS.

Kalyani writes in the comments:

Bow pose works for me my period comes in time

The first yoga pose that can help with your PCOS is the Navasana or the boat pose. Here, you will do this position while sitting on your yoga mat. Sit with your knees bent and your feet on the floor. Lengthen your spine and draw your belly in. Lift your legs all the way up and bring your hands on the side of your legs. Inhale while you are doing this and hold this pose as long as you can.

The next yoga pose is the Dhanurasana or the bow pose. Do this while you are lying on the floor on your tummy. Reach for your ankles and lift your chest off the ground. Try to stretch yourself as much as you can during this pose.

The Three Other Yoga Poses Great For PCOS

Another yoga pose you can do to help with your PCOS is the Salabhasana. Here, do it again while you are lying on your tummy. Tuck your hands under your pubic bone. Lift both your legs up and look up. This is great for your lower back and your abdomen!

The fourth yoga pose is the cat-cow pose. Just be on a table top position when doing this. The movement is only in your back and not on your limbs. Drop your back down and your head should be looking up. When you bring your back up, you should be looking towards your knees.

The last yoga pose for PCOS is the Prasarita Padottanasana or the wide-legged forward bend. Bring your legs apart as far as you can and bring your head forward. You can bring your arms near your head, have it interlocked behind you, or place it near your ankles.

Did you ever wonder if it would be possible to learn yoga as a form of therapy for PCOS?

Is Yoga A PCOS Stress Relive?

Yoga is a wonderful tool for stress relief, and many women with PCOS struggle with anxiety and stress related symptoms. Yoga is a great way to relieve tension in the body and mind, which can lead to a better overall quality of life.

PCOS can often lead to irregular menstrual cycles and excess hair growth on the body. Both of these things can cause women with PCOS to feel stressed, especially if they have had fertility issues in the past.

By doing yoga as a form of therapy, you are helping to alleviate both physical and mental stress and anxiety, which in turn will help you to live a healthier lifestyle.

Yoga can be done in a variety of ways. Some people practice asanas, while others practice pranayama and meditation. However, the best form of yoga for PCOS is the Hatha Yoga style.

Hatha Yoga is a slow, flowing style of yoga that focuses on breathing and posture. It is not strenuous, and can be practiced by anyone.

The goal of practicing Hatha Yoga is to focus on proper breathing, which in turn will help to relieve stress and anxiety. By reducing stress and anxiety, you can help to reduce the impact of PCOS, as well as reduce the risk of depression and other health complications.

Practicing Hatha Yoga regularly will also improve your flexibility and increase your overall strength.

You can do Hatha yoga right from the comfort of your home. All you need is a mat and a few basic items, such as a towel to clean yourself off after each practice. There are plenty of YouTube videos available that show you exactly how to practice Hatha Yoga.

Yoga for PCOS / Canva
Yoga for PCOS