Do You Have High Sugar Levels? Manage It With Yoga!

Very high blood sugar levels can cause life-threatening complications. One of the most common consequences would be having diabetic ketoacidosis, which can later lead to diabetic coma. If you want to avoid this from happening, yoga can help. There are some yoga poses you can do to maintain your blood sugar levels at a reasonable level while managing it through consuming less sugary foods.

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The first pose is the legs up the wall pose. This pose allows for relaxation and lowers stress levels. This then lowers blood sugar levels and blood pressure. To do this, bring your butt near a wall and lie down. Bring your legs up the wall and let your heel walk upwards until your chest is also lifted from the floor. Use your elbows and shoulders to support your weight while doing this pose.

Next is the reclining butterfly pose. Instead of doing the butterfly pose while sitting, you can do it while lying down. The only difference is you do not flap your legs unlike in the seated butterfly pose. This pose makes you calm and reduces your stress levels. Again, because of such effect, it may also reduce your blood sugar levels.

The Other Yoga Poses To Manage Sugar Levels

The third yoga pose is the upward facing dog. It is like the cobra pose but the difference is you also lift your legs from the floor and your toes and hands are the only ones remaining on the floor.

The fourth yoga pose is the child’s pose. This is a resting pose. You start with the table top position then lower your hips to your heels. Bring your forehead to the floor and stretch your arms all the way out. This pose helps promote the insulin producing cells.

Why is High Sugar Level Bad?

A high sugar level is a very dangerous state, and you should learn how to maintain a healthy blood sugar level. This includes staying well-hydrated and monitoring your blood sugar levels every couple of hours.

Your healthcare provider will advise you on the best practices for lowering your sugar levels. If your blood sugar is too high, you may need to take insulin.

High sugar levels cause dehydration, and it can lead to coma and even death. Moreover, high sugar levels can cause serious damage to your heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and nerves. For this reason, you should stay indoors during the hottest hours and keep a close eye on your blood sugar levels.

In general, people with diabetes should try to limit their intake of simple and processed carbohydrates. Instead, they should aim for a 50 percent carbohydrate diet. Moreover, you should try to avoid sugary drinks and artificial sweeteners.

Moreover, you should also make sure that protein constitutes about 20 percent of your diet. Restricting protein intake is an important step in correcting kidney damage in diabetics. Furthermore, high fiber intake helps you maintain a regular bowel movement and helps lower your blood sugar levels. Consuming fresh vegetables is also good for your health.

Before you try yoga, you should consult your healthcare provider for advice on how often to check your blood sugar levels. You should also keep a record of your results. A glucose self-check chart can be helpful in keeping track of your sugar levels.


Combat High Sugar Level With Yoga / Canva
Combat High Sugar Level With Yoga