Did you just give birth and during post-partum you’ve been losing some hair? Or did you use too many products on your hair and it caused some damage leading to hair fall? Whatever the reason is for your hair fall, you can combat it by doing some yoga poses. Below, you will find nine effective yoga poses to help you with this problem!
Shiva writes in the comments:
Hii divyaa..iam very much impressed with your yoga. Thank you so much😊
The first yoga pose to help with hair loss is Uttanasana or the Standing Forward Bend. This pose leaves you in such a position where your head is in the lower stratum than your heart. This will bring a rush of blood to your head, which in turn revamps the blood cells in the head.
Next is the Downward Facing Dog. This is also a pose where you bring your head close to the ground while you create an inverted V with your body. Not only does this help with hair loss, but also with stretching the whole body.
The Other Yoga Poses To Reduce Hair Loss
The third yoga pose is the Camel Pose. This is a backbending yoga posture and it relaxes the muscles and flows the blood and oxygen to the head and scalp. This, in turn, strengthens the hair follicles.
Another pose you can try to help with your problems with hair loss is the shoulder stand. You support your whole weight while your shoulders are planted firmly on the floor as you lift your back, hips, and legs in the air. This yoga pose helps nourish the thyroid gland and encourages blood flow to the brain. These benefits help discourage hair loss.
The other yoga poses are the fish pose, wind relieving pose, thunderbolt pose, Kapalbhati Pranayama, and Anulom Vilom Pranayam. To know how to do these yoga poses and help you with hair loss, watch the video!
Different Types of Hair Loss
There are a number of medical conditions that can cause hair loss. Some of these include alopecia areata, anemia, and thyroid disorders. Moreover, certain drugs such as high-dose vitamin A and birth control can also lead to thinning hair. Surgical interventions are also sometimes used to treat hair loss.
A common type of hair loss is called telogen effluvium and is a condition that occurs two to three months after a major change in hormone levels, such as childbirth or menopause. In this condition, moderate amounts of hair fall from all parts of the scalp. Some areas may look thinner than others, but large bald spots are uncommon.
Hair loss can also be caused by genetics. Men with hereditary baldness are often prone to hair loss, so it’s important to find out the cause and find treatment for the problem. In most cases, initial therapy involves using topical minoxidil. Other options include finasteride, hair transplants, and dutasteride.
Hair loss may also be caused by an inflammatory condition, such as scalp psoriasis. The inflammation that results from this skin disorder destroys the hair follicles, which means hair cannot grow. Symptoms include itching, burning, and pain.
So why not give a try with yoga?