The mountain pose in yoga is a foundational pose for many standing yoga poses. It is a fundamental yoga pose and is of the 12 traditional power poses in Sun Salutation A. Here, you stand tall and embody the magnificence of a mountain. Know how to properly do it by watching the video below!
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How many times can I do it
When doing the mountain pose, you can begin with bringing your feet apart at a hip distance. You can also modify this by bringing the big toes together. It depends on you, really, because whatever you choose is what is more comfortable for you.
Next, bring your toes upwards and fan them out wide. Place them back down and make sure they are fanned out when doing this. This will help energize your legs.
From there, you want to distribute your weight between the balls of the feet and the heels of the feet. Find pelvic neutrality because you don’t want a puffy stomach or a stuck out butt when doing this pose.
Take your palms down to your sides and engage your lower belly. Roll your shoulders back enough that it is in line with your ears. Engage the crown of your head and feel the stretch in your collar bone area.
Benefits Of Doing The Mountain Pose
The mountain pose might not seem much but there are so many parts of your body that are engaged when doing this. That is why there are so many benefits to this pose.
First, it strengthens the thighs, knees, and ankles. It also tones your abdomen and glutes. It even helps with improving your posture and can aid in kinesthetic awareness and proprioception.
Lastly, it is amazing for calming your mind and aiding in your focus!