Did You Know That Yoga Is Good For The Heart? These 4 Poses Can Help!

Heart health is very important. If you have a weak heart, you will have poor blood circulation in your body. Studies have shown that one way to keep your heart healthy is doing yoga. In the video below, you will see four heart-healthy yoga poses you can start doing!

Darrel writes in the comments:

I had panic attacks, and since then, I always concern about my heart. So, thank you for this video! I just did it, and it feels relaxing ❤️

The first yoga pose that you can try is the Savasana or the corpse pose. However, you need supporting blocks where you can rest your head and back while doing this yoga pose.


The Three Other Heart-Healthy Poses

Next is the Setu Bandhasana or the bridge pose. You also need support here such as a bolster pillow that can help you do the pose. Just lie on the bolster pillow but make sure that your upper back and head are on the ground and not on the pillow.

Another pose is the Gomukhasana or the cow face pose. Here, you are standing while doing the yoga pose and you will try to connect your hands at the back. One of your arms should be over your shoulder and the other will try to reach that hand from behind. This pose gives you a good stretch and opens up your chest.

Lastly, you can do the Ustrasana or the camel pose. You will do this while sitting on a chair and you will try to move far from the chair while still sitting on it. This stretches your arms, shoulders, chest, and back.

Why is Yoga good for the heart?

In addition to strengthening the heart and reducing blood pressure, yoga also helps to reduce emotional stress. Emotional stress has been shown to narrow the arteries and increase blood pressure. Yoga helps to counteract these physical effects by helping people develop positive emotions.

Many cardiac patients also suffer from depression or anxiety, and yoga helps them feel better about themselves. This positive feeling can help them cope with their condition, and may even give them the confidence to continue their practice. It may also encourage them to make other healthy lifestyle changes.

Although it is generally accepted that all exercise is good for the heart, researchers have discovered that yoga has its own set of health benefits.

Yoga can help to reduce bloodpressure?

The physical aspect of yoga has been shown to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and it can lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. The breathing techniques involved in yoga have also been shown to improve heart health and regulate the autonomic nervous system, which regulates the heart’s function. Furthermore, yoga is a great way to manage stress, which is a huge factor in heart disease.

The British Heart Foundation recommends yoga for those with heart disease, as it can reduce anxiety and reduce depression. It has also been found to improve the mental health of people, which is another benefit. There are five major yoga asanas that are especially beneficial for the heart. These include standing straight, turning the left foot out, and turning the right foot in. These five are regarded as the most effective for heart health.

Did You Know That Yoga Is Good For The Heart / Canva
Did You Know That Yoga Is Good For The Heart?