Do You Want To Reset Your Mind? Here’s A Quick Way To Do It With Yoga!

Yoga can help you with a lot of things and one of the main areas that it can assist you with is for meditation or mental reset. In the video you will watch below, it is a Quick Mental Reset program and it is designed for your restless mind. You can do this program anywhere. Are you ready to reset your mind?

Nalini writes in the comments:

Thanks Shilpa. Very helpful for many of us easy to follow. 👍👍👍🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

If you practice the Quick Mental Reset program, it can improve your concentration, open the blockages in your mind, and give you the feeling of happiness. It can also help in relieving hypertension and lowering your stress levels overall.

How To Do The Quick Mental Reset Program

Just go and sit somewhere quiet and make yourself comfortable. If you cannot sit on a floor, you can even sit on a chair. Just make sure that you sit up straight and your hips, shoulders, and head are aligned.

Close your eyes and breathe deeply. Gently plug your ears with your index fingers. Breathe in while plugging your ears and as you breathe out, make a loud humming sound like a bee. At the end of the exhale, breathe in deeply and repeat again. Perform this five times.

Bring your fingers slowly and feel the energies around you.

Reset The Body And Mind With Yoga

Yoga is known to be beneficial for the body and mind. It helps us relax and put things into perspective, which is helpful when we are feeling overwhelmed or under pressure. In addition to that, it keeps the body and mind young and healthy.

It also helps to increase the activity of the right insula, the part of the brain responsible for body awareness. This part of the brain helps us to be able to know our own reactions to stressful situations, so we can prevent them from escalating.

Part Of Kundalini Yoga?

Researchers found that a study comparing memory training and Kundalini yoga for older adults improved executive functioning and emotional resilience. The practice of yoga involves slow, intentional movements. They are held for one to ten minutes and can bring a sense of relaxation and reset the body and mind.

In addition to improving the body’s balance and flexibility, certain forms of yoga can reduce chronic stress. Chronic stress is a prime breeding ground for a variety of ailments. By reducing the stress hormone cortisol, yoga can help to improve our mood and regulate emotions. Many yoga practitioners report feeling benefits even after a single yoga class.

In addition to reducing stress, yoga has many other benefits. It can help you relax and improve your relationships. Yoga also reduces physical and emotional pain. It also improves your immune system.

MInd Reset With Yoga / Canva
MInd Reset With Yoga