Intense Side Stretch – Parsvottanasana

Intense side stretch pose or parsvottanasana is a yogic posture that strengthens hamstrings, hip flexors, and abdominal muscles. It also helps with digestion. It opens the shoulders, opens the spine, and provides a deep stretch to the back. It is beneficial for runners who need to stretch tight hamstrings.

It can be performed as a seated or standing position. It also requires the use of props to make it more accessible to the yogi. The name comes from the Sanskrit words “parshva” and “vatta.”

Parsvottanasana helps yogis develop a sense of freedom and balance. It can help with a variety of problems, such as headaches, menstrual cramps, and poor digestion.

It also teaches proper positioning. It strengthens the abdominals, and stretches the spine. This yoga posture can be beneficial for all ages and is a great way to prepare for advanced poses like reverse triangle pose.

To perform the Intense side stretch, begin with your left foot in an outward direction. Next, press the right heel into the floor. You can draw the heel toward the back of the mat for a couple of breaths.

After this, switch your leg positions. Your left foot should be in front of your body, and your right knee should be slightly bent. You can practice this asana against a wall or against a cushion.

The Intense side stretch is a wonderful way to increase the range of motion in the calf and lower back. It can also be incorporated into peak pose yoga sequences. It can be followed by a wide legged forward bend or a warrior I pose.

Intense Side Stretch / Canva
Intense Side Stretch