Exploring How To Meditate? Here’s What You Need To Know About Zen Meditation

Zen meditation or Zazen is a meditative discipline that is typically the primary practice of the Zen Buddhist tradition. According to Taka Kawakami, the vice abbot of Shunkoin Temple in Kyoto, Zen includes two kanjis. The first one is “mu,” which means nothing, and the second one means “shin,” which means heart or spirit. Many people might think practicing Zen meditation is about emptying our heart or spirit, but it actually means emptying the ego.

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Simple & Direct..Good

In the video, you will find Taka Kawakami explaining more about Zen meditation. He shared that it is conditioning your mind so you can keep your inner peace. When you have inner peace, you can live in the moment. Living in the moment is actually the core idea of Zen Buddhism.

Since Zen meditation is centered on conditioning your mind, Taka Kawakami noted that people should not expect becoming a spiritual being or something like that because of it.

How To Do Zen Meditation

Taka Kawakami added that when you try to do Zen meditation, you do not have to worry about signing up for a class to accomplish it. You don’t even have to be in a temple. What is important is you find a spot where you are comfortable such as your bedroom.

Once you find the spot, you should close your eyes or open them, whichever you prefer, and then focus on your breathing. Do it for five to 25 minutes.

It is a very casual practice of meditating and it does not follow strict rules. Just make sure that when you do Zen meditation, you condition your mind to keep your inner peace and to eliminate your ego. Ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance.

Practice Zen Meditation To Get In Touch With Your Inner Self?

Practicing Zen meditation is an ideal way to get in touch with your inner self and experience a more balanced state of mind. The practice of Zen meditation helps you focus on the breath, rather than on your thoughts.

Zen meditation is an ancient meditation technique that originated from the teachings of Buddha. This technique was brought to Japan from India 2,500 years ago. Today, visitors travel to Japan to practice Zen meditation. The Zen temples in Kyoto are famous.

The ideal Zen meditation posture is a half-lotus position. This posture is supported by a cushion. During this meditative posture, the eyes naturally come to rest in a half-open position.

To practice Zen meditation, sit on a thick, round cushion, which is called zafu. The zafu elevates the hips and forces the knees to be rooted to the floor.

Whats The Best Seated Position To Meditate?

To maintain your seated position, keep your neck and back straight and breathe through your nose. Breathe once deeply and then exhale slowly through your mouth. Your breath should flow easily and without any effort.

If you are new to Zen meditation, you may experience some physical discomfort. You may also have a hard time focusing. However, these problems can be eliminated with practice.

The proper Zen meditation posture is important to ensure that your body remains in a neutral position. If you feel discomfort, try changing your posture. Try using a chair or a wall to keep your spine straight.

How To Explore Zen Meditation / Canva
How To Explore Zen Meditation