How To Head to Knee – Janu Sirsasana

Janu Sirsasana is a foundational yoga pose that helps to promote both physical and mental well being. By stretching the back, hips, spine, shoulders and legs while also relieving fatigue & anxiety it can be an essential addition to anyone’s wellness routine. For those new to the practice of yoga we recommend seeking guidance from experienced instructors who are ready guide you through this relaxing therapeutic journey!

Head to knee is a seated forward bend that stretches the back, shoulders, and legs. While it can be relaxing and therapeutic, it can be difficult for beginners. The best way to learn this yoga pose is to find an experienced trainer who can guide you through the steps.

The Head to Knee Pose (Janu Sirsasana) is a seated yoga pose that helps to stretch the back and legs, as well as improve flexibility in the hips and spine. It is a great pose for relieving stress and improving focus and concentration.

How to do the Head to Knee Pose:

To get the full benefits of Head to Knee Pose, start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended.

Gently bend one knee and bring that foot closer towards you so it rests against your inner thigh.

As you inhale deeply, lift both arms up above your head before exhaling as you reach out with them toward the opposite leg’s feet.

Follow this movement while keeping a long spine position and relaxed shoulders until comfortable tension is felt within each pose hold for several breaths then alternate sides when complete. Increase difficulty by straightening any previously bent leg or using straps around either ankle if desired!

  1. To get the full benefits of Head to Knee Pose, start by sitting on the floor with your legs extended.
  2. Gently bend one knee and bring that foot closer towards you so it rests against your inner thigh.
  3. As you inhale deeply, lift both arms up above your head before exhaling as you reach out with them toward the opposite leg’s feet.
  4. Walk your hands forward as far as you can comfortably go, keeping your spine straight and your shoulders relaxed.
  5. Hold for several breaths then alternate sides when complete.

To make the pose more challenging, you can try straightening your extended leg as much as possible, or placing a strap around the foot of your extended leg and holding onto the strap with your hands.

As you practice head to knee pose, remember not to push yourself past your limits. Listen carefully to your body and stop if there is any unease or strain in the back or legs.

To go into this posture, lay on your back with the right foot resting against its inner thigh while gently pulling both toes towards the head. Alternatively, grasp onto left wrist using right hand and extend arm outwards for an easier modified version of this asana (yoga pose).

Enjoy the mind and body benefits of this yoga pose, but first ensure that it is safe for you to do. If your physical limitations prevent certain movements or if you are pregnant, then be sure to consult with a doctor before attempting the posture.

Also use props such as pillows or blocks under knees/hips when needed in order to make poses more comfortable and suitable for any minor issues like weak joints/muscles.

Finally remember that regular practice of this pose can help reduce fatigue, depression & anxiety while providing relief from lower back pain!

How To Do Head To Knee Yoga Pose / Canva
How To Do Head To Knee Yoga Pose