How To Eagle Pose – Garudasana

Eagle Pose, or Garudasana as it’s sometimes known, is a difficult standing balance pose that comes with great rewards. It has the power to elevate your focus and breathing while providing an unwavering sense of grounding in both body and mind.

Not only can this unique sequence boost strength and stability but also flexibility through its effects on your back muscles & thighs. Plus it shields against knee injuries & sciatica by boosting circulation along with lung capacity – all at once!

Let Eagle Pose take you further physically — no matter where you are now — giving greater definition to abs & toning leg muscles too!

Let the eagle soar! Garudasana is a powerful standing yoga pose that encourages balance, focus, and stability. Not only does it help you stand strong like an eagle but also strengthens your legs with improved flexibility in ankles, hips and shoulders for added grace to your practice.

How to do the Eagle Pose:

  1. Stand with your feet about hip-width apart and your toes pointing forward.
  2. Shift your weight onto your left foot and lift your right foot off the ground, crossing your right thigh over your left.
  3. Bend your right knee and tuck your right foot behind your left calf, if possible.
  4. Cross your arms in front of your chest, right arm over left, and bend your elbows.
  5. Lift your elbows up towards the ceiling and press your palms together.
  6. Gaze forward and hold the pose for a few breaths, then release and repeat on the other side.

Take your yoga practice to the next level by using props and adding a few extra elements!

When holding the pose, concentrate on lifting up those heels -it’s sure to give you an added challenge. Or why not complete it with arms lifted high over your head?

Don’t forget: make sure every position feels comfortable for you before pushing yourself any further; if anything begins to strain or feel uncomfortable, eliminate that element of the pose right away.

You can practice the Eagle Pose by using a chair. Alternatively, you can do it against a wall. The Eagle Pose is an excellent way to relieve tension in your neck and shoulders. You can also use it to improve your balance and to wake up your joints.

You can perform the Eagle Pose with your arms at your sides or by wrapping them. If you choose to wrap your arms, try to keep your wrists aligned with each other. You can also cross your arms at your wrists. Eventually, you can press your palms together and interlace your fingers.

You can also perform the Eagle Pose by holding your feet hip-width apart. You can also wrap your foot around your calf muscle. This can be difficult for some people, but can be done if you rest your toes on a mat.

The Eagle Pose is a great way to increase your concentration and to build your balance. It will also strengthen your thighs and ankles.

How To Do Eagle Yoga Pose / Canva
How To Do Eagle Yoga Pose