What Is Present-Moment Meditation? Watch A Guided Meditation Below!

Have you ever felt weighed down or worried about your past and future, unable to concentrate in the present? If so, maybe it’s time for some mindful meditation. Present-moment mediation teaches us how tap into our surroundings and experience without judgment. Shifting from worrying thoughts to senses awareness of what’s going on right now! Learn more by reading this article and watching the following video – find out all its benefits today!

Alejandra writes in the comments:

Wow, this meditation relaxed me so much. It’s so simple, but so deep at the same time. Thank you so much!

We have become so consumed in the troubles of our past, present and future that we are unable to appreciate what’s right before us. Mental stress continues to impact how focused we can stay on today’s moments while regret often leads us away from being mindful of current joys. Anxiety takes hold when worrying about events yet-to-come slips into focus instead, leaving little room for contentment now.

How To Cultivate Present-Moment Awareness And Its Benefits

Through present-moment meditation, you can tap into an array of incredible benefits to both your mental and physical health. Being mindful in the now has been proven to lift moods, boost immune function and help manage stress levels—just to name a few!

To get started with practicing this beneficial form of meditation, focus on your breath as it enters and exits the lungs while sitting still for some time each day. With consistent practice comes increased joy, heightened clarity and improved immunity that will leave you feeling like life’s greatest wonders are all within reach.

Find yourself struggling with worry and past thoughts? Join us on this 10-minute guided present-moment meditation. Let the calming voice guide you to a place of relaxation and clarity, so that all that concerns your future will take a back seat for once!

How To Do A Moment Meditation

Amidst the hustle and bustle of modern life, it’s important to take moments for ourselves. Meditation is an invaluable tool that can help us carry on with a sense of peace and serenity as we navigate our daily lives; not only will this provide short-term relief from stress or anxiety.

But long term benefits such as improved focus, higher energy levels, reduced depression symptoms are also possible when regular meditation becomes part of your routine! The best thing? You can do it anytime you want – so why don’t you give yourself permission to try out this ancient practice today?

Need To Find A Comfortable Position?

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced meditator, finding the time to take part in moment meditation can be incredibly beneficial. To get started all you need is a comfortable sitting position and your eyes kept open but not too wide.

Focusing on taking deep breaths will help while beginners may want to start small with as little as five minutes of meditation each day – more advanced practitioners could try aiming for longer moments of mindfulness.

Is The Mindset Important?

Meditation is more than just a relaxation technique – it can help you stay mindful throughout your day. By paying attention to when and how often you meditate, even during meals if needed, will make sure that the practice reaches its full potential in improving your wellbeing.

What Is Present-Moment Meditation / Canva
What Is Present-Moment Meditation

How To Focus?

Having trouble focusing? Finding it hard to concentrate on the task at hand? Relax and focus your attention inward – onto one part of your body. This can be anything from feeling the breath as you inhale, or noticing any pain in a particular area like your back.

You may also want to pay close attention to sensations such as sights for eyes and sounds for ears; if anxiety is present then physical feelings could help bring some relief.

When focus starts slipping away simply return with concentration towards that same spot again, repeating this technique until fully supported by calmness within yourself will soon come naturally . As an extra trick try counting each inhalation out loud, this helpful habit has been used time after time!

For example, you can try to visualize a stream of energy leaving your body as you take a deep breath. This may help you focus on releasing stress through your body. However, you may want to avoid visualizing the stress draining through your toes.

Take a minute to give yourself the gift of meditation! Acknowledge and appreciate any feelings that come up, then use this time for easing your mind. With just one simple minute devoted to mindfulness practices, you may be able to start creating beneficial patterns in how you interact with life on a daily basis. Guided meditations can also help make sure each moment is as impactful and meaningful as possible.