Let go of worries with yoga? Letting go of worries is easy to say, or is it? Does yoga lead to carelessness? We can worry about anything. It has something to do with identifying things.
There is our body, which should remain healthy and beautiful, our family, which should be well, our job, which should provide us with a good income and likewise the peace in the world.
We can continue this list endlessly. There are people whose worries are always about the same thing or those who always have something else to worry about.
What are worries?
Worry is something that is not yet here. They are thoughts that arise from a sense of not knowing, because we cannot see into the future. When we worry, we are not living in the here and now. Worry can even make it impossible.

Is worry a burden?
When our thoughts are constantly about something that can happen, they harm us in many ways.
They take away our energy, drain and exhaust us. They can shorten our lives as a result. By also weakening our will and reducing attention and care, they take away our strength to get out of this vicious cycle. That is why it is important to let go of worries.
Do worries poison the climate?
Moreover, worries really poison the climate, be it in the partnership, in the family, circle of friends or at the workplace. It paralyzes. Worry is not an expression of love or responsibility for a person or something, but it occupies that place in our hearts.
With reason and wisdom against worries?
A first step is to become aware of our worries and the harmful feeling they trigger in us. We are masters of our feelings. We can change thoughts and then change our feelings.
Instead of worrying, we should appeal to our reason and be wise. We can plan our daily life, and thereby avoid mistakes. By doing so, we take a step back from worry into the now. We act mindfully and with care.
Letting go of worries with yoga?
We should not worry but look at what is good for us. With worries we do not come to rest. They are a good engine for our thought carousel and take away our strength. With yoga we have an instrument to free ourselves from our worries.
Yoga positions against worries?
Worry is not only a psychological burden, but also a physical one. Through the asanas we can dissolve physical tension patterns that tense us and thus cost us energy.
At the same time, through heart openers we can open the chest space, get space to breathe and draw strength. Through the inversion postures we can change the way we look at things and worries lose their meaning.
Focus on the breath?
With the pranayamas, yoga knows a variety of breathing exercises that can relax and stimulate. By focusing on our breathing in all these breathing techniques, we interrupt our inner monologue, at least we have something to focus our attention on.
Meditation for the here and now?
When we meditate, we dwell in the here and now. We practice not stealing from the responsibility of the moment, not dwelling in the past or the future. This allows us to experience our true being, which includes being carefree.