8 Healthy Ways to Balance Yin and Yang Energy

Nature is balanced with pairs of Yin and Yang, right and wrong, and men and women. Pleasure cannot exist without pain. If you are feeling unbalanced in your life or have a sudden mood change, it means that the Yin Yang balance is off at that time. Everything that exists in nature is the result of the interplay of Yin and Yang, and this has a large impact on the formation of someone’s personality.

All aspects of our lives, from our physical appearance to the way we speak, are influenced by both forces of , as Lao Tzu said: “Words are powerless compared to the silent balance of Yin and Yang energies.” How can we achieve a balance of Yin Yang energy?


Whats the Difference Between Yin and Yang Energy?

They are both energy systems within nature, and they exist throughout our entire universe. Although they are very different, they also have a strong relationship with each other and function as one. They are complementary opposites, and when working together, they can change and influence each other. This is one of the reasons why we call them complementary.

The word ‘complementary’ means to form a complete whole, to act in combination with each other, or to harmonise with each other. When we say that something is ‘complementary’ we are saying that it complements something else, and in the same way that two different parts of a human body are needed to work together, so it is with the two opposite forces.

Yin and Yang have been around since ancient times. In China, there are stories of the Jade Emperor and his two sons who were locked in a battle of them. These sons were locked in battle for thousands of years until their father decided that he had to release them. He let them out one at a time, and when they were finally free, their battle was over and they went back to being one again.

They are sometimes called the two pillars of existence. They are the first forces that were created by the universe and they keep everything running smoothly.

These two  energies are always present in nature. For example, the earth, the stars, the moon, the sun, and the wind, all have both energy. These energies run through everything, but they also change depending on what is happening in the moment.

When we experience a situation that is uncomfortable, such as being in pain, we often respond by feeling angry, sad, anxious, or stressed. We may also experience changes in our emotional state that are triggered by our circumstances, such as feeling happy, joyful, excited, energetic, peaceful, or calm.

We have the choice to respond to these feelings with emotions that are constructive, such as compassion, love, and acceptance. Or we can respond with emotions that are destructive, such as anger, resentment, jealousy, fear, hatred, anxiety, and sadness.

However, in reality, we cannot change the energy that is already here, and so it’s important to learn to stay in the flow of what is here and to not get attached to a particular emotion or situation. Instead, we should be grateful to be here in the first place, because if we weren’t, the world would cease to exist.

In our life, we can easily notice that Yin and Yang energy is present in every aspect of our lives. For example, in a family, we can see how the parents have the Yin energy while the children have the Yang energy.

We can see this energy when we watch a person perform a difficult task, such as lifting a heavy weight. The strength and determination that the person has to overcome the weight is evidence of the Yang energy.

In contrast, a person who is lazy or afraid to lift the weight is an example of the Yin energy. Even though the person is using Yang energy to do so, there is still a lack of determination that is needed to make the lift happen.

Yang energy

Yang is the masculine energy, and it helps to move things forward. It’s what we use to get things done. The yang energy is the energy of action. It helps us to take control of our lives and to do things that we need to do. When you feel strong and stable, it helps you to stay focused and to push through difficulties.

This is what the Yang is all about; it is a representation of strength.

Yin energy

As we look around us, we notice that most things are made out of matter. Yin energy is created by the movement of particles, such as those in water.

When the particles are pushed together, their movements are constrained and limited. This creates space.

When we look at the sky, we notice that it is filled with different colours. We see blues, greens, purples, yellows and reds. Each colour has its own range of wavelengths. Yin energy is made up of colours on the visible spectrum. When you’re resting in your bedroom, you’re surrounded by yin energies. Soft colors, calming music, and soothing sounds all contribute to a feeling of relaxation.

In addition to qualities like passivity, twilight, and coldness, yin also encompasses characteristics like the northern slope, femininity, and moisture. Things that are associated with earth, like downward or backward movement, are also considered yin.

Energy Yin Yang / Canva

Yin Yang Energies are Complementary?

The Yin Yang as a Combination. They are two aspects of life that need to be combined together in order to work effectively. In Taoism, Yin and Yang are opposites, but in Taoism the yin yang is seen as complementary.

When Yin Yang is seen as complementary, we see the two as being combined to form something greater than the sum of its parts. The yin yang is a symbol of complementary opposites. It represents balance and harmony in life.

It doesn’t have to be opposites. For example, a person and a pet are both energy. Yin means dark, and yang means light. This shows that a person and a pet are both dark, and a person and a pet are both light. There is another reason why it doesn’t have to be opposites. Opposites usually cancel each other out, but a mountain and a valley don’t cancel each other out. A mountain and a valley are both part of a mountain range.

Opposites and Balance

Another reason why it’s not always opposites is because opposites are considered to be extremes. Yin is considered to be an extreme because it is the opposite of yang.

The energies as a Combination

Because of the opposites, it can be hard to see the Yin and Yang when it is just a combination of opposites. But if you look at it as opposites, but also as a combination of opposites, you can see that they are a complete system.

They are are like the yin yang symbol. It’s the combination of two opposites. But we see that they are a complete system. We can see that these opposites balance each other out and are complemented by each other.

Find Balance in Yin and Yang Energy

They are not the same, but they are also not opposite. Both have a positive and negative side. They are both active and passive. Yin is more passive than Yang. Yang is more active than Yin. They are always present together. Yin influences Yang, and Yang influences Yin. When they are out of balance, it can lead to illness.

Yin and Yang have four different aspects in life.

Yang has 4 aspects:

  • Fire
  • Metal
  • Earth
  • Water

Yin has 4 aspects:

  • Water
  • Wood
  • Fire
  • Metal

This is important because they are complementary opposites. When we are in balance, our organs function properly. Our emotions are balanced. Our energy level is in harmony. Our physical, mental, and emotional bodies are in perfect balance.

This leads to health and happiness. They are not the same, but they complement each other.

Imbalance of Yin and Yang

If you have an excess of yin or yang energies, you may face a lot of problems physically as well as emotionally.

Yin deficiency

Yin deficiencies cause many things as you can see in the list.

  • Feeling depressed, lethargic, and low energy
  • Poor concentration
  • Feeling tired all the time
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Low libido
  • Lack of motivation
  • Bad skin

Yang deficiency

Here are some common symptoms that can help you figure it out.

  • Aches and pains in the joints, especially in the hands and feet
  • Stiff neck and sore back
  • Numbness and tingling sensations in the fingers
  • Excessive sweating
  • Feeling cold
  • Hair loss
  • Feelings of heaviness in the head and neck
  • Frequent colds
  • Constipation
  • Increased blood pressure
  • Skin dryness
  • Dry scalp

Yin Yang Energy / Canva

Importance of Yin Yang Balance

How Can You Balance Yin and Yang? It’s simple. If you want to learn how to balance them, all you have to do is to become aware of the differences between the two. When we are in a situation, we tend to automatically react based on our feelings. For example, when we are sad, we may react by crying. We are also prone to getting angry when we feel hurt or threatened.

So we must be careful when we are reacting based on our feelings, because we need to consider that these emotions are only temporary. Our actions will likely influence the situation, and that means that we may have to deal with more sadness, anger, etc.

And when we are reacting based on our feelings, we often don’t realize that we are being influenced. In fact, it’s a very common mistake for us to assume that we are being affected by someone else.

How to Balance your Yin and Yang

Eat lots of vegetables and fruits

Food plays a important role in balancing. Fruits and vegetables contain lots of fiber, which is a carbohydrate that helps the body to stay full. This makes it easier to keep from overeating, and you don’t feel hungry as often.

It Helps with Digestion

Eating more fruits and vegetables helps improve our digestive system. These foods contain natural juices and enzymes that aid digestion and reduce bloating and gas.

It Helps with Heart Health

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables has been shown to help lower bad cholesterol, which is very good for our heart health. This is because foods like carrots and broccoli are packed with antioxidants that help protect our cells from damage.

It Helps With Immunity

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help boost our immune system, as well. Because these foods contain lots of antioxidants, they help our bodies fight off disease. Fruits and vegetables are also high in vitamin C, which helps the body produce white blood cells, which fight off infections.

It Helps with Skin Health

Eating a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help maintain healthy skin. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamin A, which helps keep our skin smooth and glowing.

It Increases Physical Activity

Eating more fruits and vegetables can help you get more exercise. Fruits and vegetables are high in water, which fills us up and helps us to burn more calories.

Eliminate heavily processed foods from your diet

There are so many reasons to eat better. But the reason to eliminate processed foods is often overlooked. We are a generation that doesn’t want to have to work very hard. It seems that we can just order food off a menu and sit back and watch TV while we wait for our meal to come.

And while this is perfectly fine for most people, it’s not ideal for everyone. And when you’re a person with health problems like I am, it can be difficult to eat well. And when you’re working long hours, it can also be difficult to exercise.

But when you eliminate processed foods, you’ll have a lot more energy and a lot less pain. You won’t have to spend as much time exercising either. But eliminating processed foods isn’t easy. It’s not because you need to buy the latest organic food. In fact, you don’t have to go out of your way to find healthy options.

The truth is, if you just eat healthier, you will be healthier.

Use Feng Shui to balance the energies in your home

The Yin and Yang theory has been around for hundreds of years, and it explains the balance of the forces within our universe. And while it can be seen everywhere, it’s most common in nature, in human bodies, and in our homes.

And because we live in such a busy world, it is often hard to find the balance that nature provides us with. So instead of finding it in nature, we have to find it in our homes. This is where Feng Shui comes in. Feng Shui is the ancient art of designing your living space. It was created by Chinese scholars to understand the relationship between the energies.

In Feng Shui, the concept of Yin and Yang is applied to every room in the house. And because we live in a fast-paced world, we need to adjust these energies in our homes to keep ourselves balanced. If you think about it, your home is like a body, and it needs to be taken care of. If your body is not properly fed, it will become unhealthy. The same is true for your home. If you’re not taking care of it, it won’t last very long.

Strengthen your muscles to speed up your metabolism

Lean muscle mass can improve posture, boost metabolism, and circulation, as well as strengthen connective tissue and bones. However, too much focus on building strength can cause yang energy to become imbalanced.

Discover Yin or Yang based activities

Yoga is a great practice to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit. As you progress through the practice of yoga, you can begin to learn more about how to balance within yourself.

Yoga is considered to be a practice of balance. In order to stay balanced in your life, you need to be aware of the energy within yourself. So in this article, we’re going to discuss the five different activities that are known as Yin and Yang.

Setup regular cardiovascular exercise

A recent study shows that regular cardiovascular exercise can help increase your cognitive performance. In the study, participants were given a test that measured their working memory capacity. The working memory is one of the brain’s cognitive abilities that allows us to focus on a single task for a short period of time, while still being able to recall information from the past and anticipate the future.

Participants who regularly engaged in cardio exercise had a greater working memory capacity than those who did not. The study suggests that cardiovascular exercise can help improve working memory. This would suggest that regular cardiovascular exercise can help you stay focused, and can improve your memory.

So if you are considering starting a yoga practice, now might be a great time to start!

Go to bed early and enjoy a good night’s sleep

A good night’s sleep not only helps you concentrate better, but it also helps your body recover and regulates hormones. It’s best to go to bed earlier so you can wake up closer to dawn and sync your body with the natural daily cycle.

Don’t wait for the world to give you something

The wisest course of action is to take matters into your own hands and be more proactive. pining for what you believe you deserve will only leave you feeling disappointed and resentful. it is essential to draw on your inner reserves of energy to tackle problems as they arise and to generally live a more active lifestyle.

Balance Energy Yin Yang / Canva


Balancing energy is an ancient Chinese art and science that is deeply rooted in Taoist philosophy. It’s no surprise that this concept has permeated various aspects of Chinese culture, including Chinese medicine, feng shui, and the healing arts like acupuncture and qigong. The  symbol, a representation of these opposing energies, is a testament to the interdependence of these forces in the physical world.

Yin and Yang energies are not inherently good or bad, but rather, they represent different qualities and aspects of life. Yin qualities are often associated with the feminine, the moon, and aspects that are passive, cool, and inward.

On the other hand, yang qualities represent the masculine, the sun, and aspects that are active, hot, and outward. Both are in balance when there is a healthy interplay of these energies within the body and mind, leading to a state of internal harmony and well-being.

However, an imbalance of energy can lead to health and fitness issues. If you have too much yin, or are yin deficient, you may struggle with lethargy, coldness, and a lack of motivation.

Conversely, having too much yang, or being yang deficient, can lead to restlessness, heat, and overactivity. It’s essential to understand these imbalances and find ways to rebalance your energies.

There are many ways to balance  energy. In the realm of Chinese medicine, acupuncture and qi gong are often used to regulate the flow of qi, or life energy, and restore balance within the body.

Yin yoga and vinyasa are gentle forms of exercise that can help balance your energy. They work within the body to promote physical strength, quality sleep, and rejuvenation.

Diet is another crucial aspect of yin-yang balance. Foods like fresh fruits and vegetables can help balance yin, while processed foods can create an excess of yang. A well-balanced diet is key to maintaining a healthy balance of Yin and Yang energy.

Feng shui, the ancient Chinese practice of arranging physical space for optimal energy flow, is another way to balance energies. By arranging your environment in a way that promotes balance and harmony, you can create good, positive energy and reduce negative energy.

In the end, balancing Yin and Yang energy is about more than just health and well-being. It’s about understanding the interconnectivity of all things, the balance in the body and the world around us. It’s about taking action to feel centered, to find balance and harmony in our physical and emotional states.

As we begin to understand and work with these energies, we can bring ourselves back into balance, find harmony, and enhance our overall quality of life.

How to Balance Yin & Yang / Canva
How to Balance Yin & Yang