Yoga for a beautiful skin? Can yoga help me get more beautiful skin? How do yoga postures change the appearance of the skin? Our skin is our outermost shell with multiple functions. If internal organs are out of balance, we also notice this on our skin.
For example, liver problems can show up in yellow skin, a pale complexion can indicate weakness, a permanently red complexion can indicate high blood pressure, and impure skin can indicate hormone imbalance.
Our lifestyle on the skin?
How we live also shows on our skin. Many people attribute their “bad skin” to hereditary factors. But this is not entirely true. Plump or sagging skin also reveals something about our lifestyle.
Only 20 percent of skin aging is caused by internal factors. External factors such as smoking or little exercise and sleep account for 80 percent.
Skin, the mirror of our soul?
Our skin has a very direct line to our soul. This is not only shown by our feelings by blushing or paling visibly on the skin. Mental stress can also cause skin diseases.
Yoga for the skin?
So our skin has many tasks and is at the same time like a signboard for our health and lifestyle. Through a balanced lifestyle, healthy food, plenty of sleep and exercise, the skin’s appearance can be positively changed. But there is something else that beautifies the skin and that is yoga.
The Indian philosophy can be applied in many ways.
Asanas for a better skin appearance?
The asanas, as the yoga positions are called, have a positive effect on the entire body. This has an effect on the skin. For example, there are yoga poses that massage abdominal organs, which, for example, stimulates liver function, with which a yellowish appearance of the skin disappears.
Inverted postures such as the headstand or the candle improve blood circulation to the facial skin, making it glow.
Breathing exercises for the skin?
Pranayama, as breathing exercises are called in yoga, also affect the entire human organism. Conscious breathing increases the supply of oxygen and vigorous breathing removes toxins from the cells.
This relieves the excretion through the skin. At the same time, we have an influence on our mind through breathing. If we are stressed, then we can relax, because these traces also show on the skin, because the stress hormone cortisol reduces collagen production and dries out the skin.
Meditation for the mirror of the soul?
Through meditation we come into our harmony with body, soul and spirit. By trying to leave thoughts and feelings out of it, just being, we can become more balanced and stress resistant and tackle many everyday problems with a smile.