11 Yoga Poses for Upper Back Pain

Of all the types of back pain, upper back pain is the most commonly mentioned. As we constantly bend over our phones and laptops, the pain between the shoulder blades can increase.

Yoga can effectively stretch and strengthen the muscles of the upper back while relieving tension and pain. In this article you will find a list of eleven different yoga postures that can relieve upper back pain.

Does yoga help with upper back pain?

The thoracic spine is the part of the spine that runs between the neck and the lower back. The thoracic spine consists of 12 vertebrae that start at the bottom of the cervical spine in the neck and end about five centimetres below the shoulder blades.

This area, which is often ignored in discussions about mid-back pain, holds a tremendous amount of tension and in the long run can limit mobility and lead to other problems in the body.


The muscles in the upper back are connected to the muscles in the shoulders, neck and sides of the neck. If you have pain or injury in your upper back, you may compensate by making adjustments in other areas, which can lead to further pain or even further injury.

Also, comfort and strength in the upper back depend not only on the spine and muscles of the upper back, but also on the muscles of the chest and shoulders. When you hunch over, the muscles in the front of your chest become shorter and tighter, which prevents the back muscles from relaxing. The muscles in your upper back can become weak over time, making you more prone to injury.

Yoga can help relieve upper back pain by lengthening the muscles in the front of your body and strengthening the muscles in your shoulders and upper back. Yoga can help relieve upper back pain as part of a holistic pain management plan.

11 Yoga poses for upper back pain

Before starting any kind of treatment for either acute or chronic pain, always speak to your doctor. The person you speak to may be able to help you with finding the best yoga poses to help with your upper back pain. certified yoga teachers can provide modified poses for specific pain conditions and let you know when it might be best to avoid or go gently in a posture.

Here are eleven yoga poses that can help relieve upper back pain.

Puppy pose

The puppy yoga pose helps you open your chest and stretch your spine, shoulders and neck. It also counteracts poor posture and wakes up your body. It is an ideal morning stretch and can be done by anyone, including people with sensitive knees.

The Puppy Yoga pose can help you combat stress, chronic tension and insomnia. It is a gentle inversion that restores your energy and serenity. It can also help you open your heart. To do this, start on all fours with your hips over your knees and your forehead touching the floor.

A bolster or yoga blanket can help support your knees if they are injured. Make sure the injury is more than two months old. A yoga blanket will also help protect your lower back from injury. You can also do the Puppy Yoga pose with the help of a yoga instructor.

The benefits of this pose are many. You will feel less stress and feel better after practising it. If you are a beginner, it may take some time to get used to the movement. However, it is worth it in the long run.

Thread the needle

The main benefit of this pose is to stretch and loosen the shoulders and lower back. This pose helps to reduce stress and relieve back, shoulder and neck pain. However, it is not suitable for people whose shoulder joints are strained or injured or who have recently had neck surgery. As with any pose, you need to know how to perform it correctly to get the maximum benefit.

The thread of the needle yoga pose is an inversion that stretches the shoulders, back and arms. Begin in a seated position with knees bent. Your right foot should rest on the floor and your left knee should point upwards.

While breathing, turn your upper body towards the inside of your left leg. Hold this stretch for as long as possible. To perform this pose, first bend your left knee.

Bring your right arm under your left leg and raise it above your head. The right side of your face should be flat on the floor. This variation of the pose challenges your balance, leading to a deeper stretch in your shoulders and hips.

If you perform the pose correctly, it will help you improve your balance.


Cat-Cow Yoga pose is an excellent beginner yoga pose that will help you release tension in your neck and back. This pose can be performed anytime you feel the need to stretch. It stretches your neck, spine, hips, and abs. You can do it while sitting, standing, or lying down. As you do the cat pose, focus on your breathing.

As you breathe in and out, draw your belly in toward the pubic bone. Then, round your pelvis by pushing through your hands. You can also practice this pose in a chair. It’s a great way to strengthen your neck and spine while improving your coordination. You can modify the pose as needed to accommodate your limitations or personal preference.

Cat Cow Yoga pose is a variation of the Cow Pose and the Cat Pose. It stretches the lower spine, hips, and core muscles, while opening up the chest and lungs. The first step in this yoga sequence is to be on all fours. Make sure your spine is neutral with a rounded tailbone. The next step is to place your chin on your chest. Once your chin is on your chest, place your gaze upward.

Once you have mastered the Cat Pose, you can start practicing the Cow Pose. To do the cow pose, you need to be able to bend your knees. For more comfort, try to press your palms against a table or a desk. You may also want to consider placing a towel under your knees to support your knees. You will also need to keep your head in line with your torso as you move.


The Sphinx Yoga pose is an ideal way to stretch the back and strengthen the spine. It also improves the circulation of blood in the body, stretches the chest and shoulders, and helps to calm the nervous system. This pose is especially beneficial for people who suffer from back injuries, as it can stretch the muscles of the lower back and psoas muscles. It also stimulates the seven major chakras and awakens Kundalini energy, the life force in the body.

To do the Sphinx Yoga pose correctly, begin by bringing your elbows under your shoulders and elongating the spine. Then, slowly lift your chest and extend your spine. Be careful not to overextend your lower back, because this can injure it. Instead, focus on allowing your back and shoulders to feel good and not painful.

Practice the Sphinx yoga pose standing up, if possible. It is also a good practice for pregnant women. The forearms should be shoulder-width apart, and the elbows should be positioned closely to your shoulders. The chest and torso should be away from the wall. If you cannot do this, try sitting or standing against a wall.

The Sphinx Yoga pose is a gentle, yet beneficial backbend that helps stretch the spine and lungs. It also helps the digestive tract and the nervous system. It is a great backbend for beginners and can also be used to prepare the body for deeper backbends, such as cobra pose.

Locust pose

This yoga pose has many benefits, including strengthening the back and chest and opening the pelvis and lungs. It also stimulates the reproductive and digestive systems. There are some contraindications to performing this pose, including menstruation and recent abdominal surgery. However, if you’re feeling the effects of lower back pain or suffering from other conditions, this is a great pose for you to try.

The Locust pose is a great posture for strengthening the back and glutes. It also stretches the front of the body, including the chest. The legs and feet are also important in this yoga pose. Be sure to hold this pose for at least five breaths.

If your neck is too tight, it might cause neck pain. If you experience any pain in your neck or shoulder, you can modify this pose by lifting your legs slowly and keeping them straight.

To perform the Locust yoga pose, you should start by getting a yoga mat and a cushion. Then, lay on your belly. The palms of your hands should face upward. Your feet and legs should be positioned so that your legs are the highest part of your body. While in this position, try to hold your buttocks firm towards the pubis. Close your eyes and breathe deeply.

Two-Knee spinal twist pose

The Two-Knee spinal twisting yoga pose can be beneficial for lower back pain. This pose stretches the hips, glutes, and upper and lower back. It also stabilizes the pelvis and relieves back stiffness. It can also increase cervical flexibility.

Begin by centering your spine. Next, place your right knee on the outside of your left knee. Hold both knees with your hands. Now, extend your right leg across the left knee. As you bend your knee, lift your right foot off the mat and lower your leg into a “T” posit.

This twist can also stretch back muscles and realign the spine. It also hydrates spinal discs. However, this twist is not suitable for everyone and is not recommended for those with recent back injuries. You can modify the pose by using a folded blanket or adding weight to the right knee. If you’re experiencing back pain, you should consult a yoga expert before attempting this pose. Excess twisting could cause more damage than good.

When performing this pose, focus on keeping the back aligned. Focus on the twisting movement and don’t forget to breathe deeply and relax. The twisted position can help you relieve neck pain, strengthen the upper back, and open tight chest and shoulder muscles.

Seated forward bend

Seated forward bend, or Pashchimottanasana, is a basic hatha yoga pose. In modern yoga practice, it is also called Intense Dorsal Stretch. It is an excellent way to strengthen the back and shoulders, as well as relieve stress and tension.

The seated forward bend yoga pose focuses on releasing tension and working the torso and legs. It is also beneficial for the mind and improves your focus and memory. It works the entire torso, including the lower back and abdominal cavity. This pose should be practiced with a strong breathing pattern to keep the body light and free of tension.

Seated forward bend yoga pose has many benefits and can be difficult to start with, but it is a great way to build your flexibility and strength. The stretch it provides can help reduce fatigue and improve digestion. The pose can also reduce blood pressure.

Although the seated forward bend is easy to start with, it can be challenging for people with tight hamstrings or a posterior-tilted pelvis. Beginners should bend their knees while performing the pose. As your flexibility increases, you can begin to straighten your legs.

A good active partner can help with this pose by standing behind you and pressing against your lower back and pelvis. Your partner can provide encouragement and advice when things go wrong, as well as assist you when it goes right. Before practicing seated forward bend yoga, it is important to warm up your body with Balasana, Uttanasana, or Janu Sirsasana.

Bridge pose

The bridge yoga pose is an inverted backbend asana. It is one of the many poses found in hatha yoga. Modern yoga practitioners practice this pose, which also goes by the names Bridge and Bandhsana. The bridge is a challenging pose that can be performed by beginners and experts alike. It is best suited for people who have strong backs and are in good shape. However, it may not be suitable for everyone, and you should be careful not to do it too fast.

To practice the bridge yoga pose safely, you should use a yoga block, which you can place under your lower back. It is best to place it directly underneath your sacrum. This will give you more stability and leverage as you attempt to maintain the posture. This block will help you to reach a relaxed state by helping to keep your back in alignment.

The bridge yoga pose is a backbend that’s deeper than the locust pose, and it stretches the front side of the body, including the rib cage and spine. To perform the bridge yoga pose, you must lie on your back and bend your knees. Then, you should place your feet hip-width apart. Then, you should push your feet into the floor, which will help you lift your hips. Once your hips are raised, you can then place your arms under your pelvis.

When practicing the bridge yoga pose, it’s best to stay relaxed, and remember to breathe deeply. Once you are in the pose, you should try holding the pose for a few seconds and then slowly lower your body to the floor.

Half lord of the fishes

The half lord of the fishes yoga pose provides a twisting motion in the spine and stretches the abdominal organs. It also engages core muscles and increases energy levels. It can be particularly beneficial for people suffering from symptoms of overuse of technology or long hours of sitting. It also has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The half lord of the fishes yoga pose opens the chest, stretches the upper back, and increases spinal mobility. It is a helpful pose for relieving constipation. Begin with straight legs in front and bent knees. Bend the knees and reach an arm out to the side.

This pose is also beneficial for opening the shoulder girdle and promoting more space in the upper body. To deepen the pose, thread the forearm of the opposite arm under the knee of the bent leg. You can also hold the opposite arm with your fingers or intertwine both arms.

The half lord of the fishes yoga pose pose is one of the twelve basic yoga postures. By forcing the body to move in different ways, this asana helps people relax and open their body. In addition to this, it also helps release tense areas and improve circulation.

Happy baby

This gentle pose is perfect for beginners. It can be performed at the beginning or end of a yoga session. It can be held for long periods, which gives it a great deal of physical benefits. It also helps you get a clear head and a relaxed mind. It is a great way to release tension and relieve anxiety.

The happy baby yoga pose is a great way to release tension in your hips, shoulders, and legs. For this pose, lay flat on your back and bend your knees to 90 degrees. Using your hands, support your shins and ankles and spread your knees apart. Take a few deep breaths and relax into this gentle pose.

The happy baby yoga pose can be modified to suit any level of fitness. It’s accessible to beginners, but can be more challenging for more advanced practitioners. For people with limited hip flexibility, it’s best to use straps or exercise bands to hold the feet in place. For people with a high level of flexibility, they can press the tailbone into the mat to lower their hips. This exercise should not be performed by pregnant women or people with injuries.

The happy baby yoga pose helps relieve stress and increases flexibility in many parts of the body. It also improves heart health and relieves pain. It has countless benefits and is a wonderful way to relax at the end of a hard day.

11. Cobra pose

The cobra yoga pose is an elongated back bending asana in hatha and modern yoga. It is commonly performed as part of the Surya Namaskar cycle. It is an alternative to Urdhva Mukha Svanasana. If you have trouble performing the Urdhva Mukha Svanasana, this pose may be a good choice.

The cobra yoga pose is an excellent back bending asana, which can help you improve your flexibility and strengthen your spine. It also opens your chest and shoulders and engages the lower body. This posture may also help you reduce the symptoms of sciatica. In order to do it properly, you must be comfortable with your own flexibility.

The cobra yoga pose can be challenging for beginners and experts alike. It requires less spinal extension than the upward facing dog. The hamstrings, adductor magnus, and vastii muscles of the thigh and the soleus of the calf are all involved in the movement.

Thecobra yoga pose is often woven into the Sun Salutations but it is a powerful pose in its own right. To practice the cobra yoga pose, lie on your belly with your feet separated and your toes pointed. Bend your elbows and place your hands near your ribs. Then lift your chest and breathe deeply.

The cobra is also beneficial for pregnant women. It requires the use of back muscles, especially the abdominals. Several muscles, including the abdominals and shoulders, are used during this posture. Breathe through your nose and draw your chest forward and back. Your spine should curve to a certain extent.

The takeaway

If you’re struggling with back pain and are willing to try something new to find relief, you may want to give yoga a try. If you are interested in trying yoga, speak to your doctor first to see if it is a good idea for you, and then find a certified teacher in your area, or try some poses at home.

Do your poses to the best of your ability, and check in with your body to see if it is in pain. You should see a doctor if your pain does not go away or gets worse.

If you add a few minutes of yoga to your daily routine, you will be taking care of your body and maybe even get rid of back pain. Do your best to be a great yogi.

11 Yoga Poses for Upper Back Pain / Canva
11 Yoga Poses for Upper Back Pain