Want To Increase Your Lung Capacity? Check Out These Five Yoga Poses!

Our lungs are very important. Our respiratory system allows us to breathe properly. Because we breathe, we bring in oxygen to our bodies and send carbon dioxide out. So, if you want to increase your lung capacity, you can try these yoga poses today!

Ashis writes in the comments:

It should contain more Asanasa like ardha Ushtrasana, clavicular breathing, bhastrika, ardha Salavasana, Virbhadrasana, natarajasana, bridge pose. I am big fan of Ventuno Yoga and have been following since 2018. My suggestion is to add more and more Asanasa in stead of 5/6 Asanas
I am waiting for new updates. Thanks a lot

Practicing yoga will improve the health and functioning of your lungs. This is because, certain yoga poses will strengthen the muscles around the chest.

The Yoga Poses For Increased Lung Capacity

The first yoga pose that can strengthen your lung capacity is the Sitting Half Spinal Twist. You sit in a position where you have one knee bent over the leg that’s on the ground. You then twist your spine away from the knee that is bent. This pose opens up the chest and increases the oxygen of the lungs.

The next yoga pose you can try is the fish pose. Practicing this pose helps with your blood circulation thus providing relief from respiratory issues. Check out the video to see how to do the fish pose.

The next yoga pose for increasing lung capacity is savasana. It opens the chest and lungs, and also promotes proper breathing. It is ideal for people with asthma and lungs infection, as it is an excellent pose for clearing out the chest and improving lung capacity.

The third yoga pose you can do to strengthen your chest muscles is the lotus shoulder stand. It’s like a shoulder stand but you bring your feet down and position your legs in a lotus pose the same way that you do when you are seated. This inverted lotus pose helps expand your chest and allows the easy passage of air to the lungs.

The fourth yoga pose from this video is the cobra pose. It improves your mental calmness and stretches out the chest and lungs.

Lastly, you can do the cross-legged sitting pose. This pose will flush out the harmful toxins from the lung muscles. It also increases your focus and concentration.

How Yoga Poses Increase Lung Capacity

Yoga is known for its beneficial effect on the lungs. It improves lung capacity by strengthening the muscles in the chest and the back. It also helps ease back pain and stiffness between the vertebrae. In addition to strengthening the lungs, yoga postures strengthen the arms and shoulders.

Practicing yoga in all positions can increase lung capacity and help treat respiratory problems. There are specific poses for lung health, such as ustrasana and karanisana. These stretches strengthen the chest, abdomen, and arms, and help improve breath quality. These poses improve the mind-body connection, aiding digestion, and boosting energy levels.

Diaphragmatic breathing, also known as belly breathing, increases lung capacity by strengthening the diaphragm, a muscle that helps the lungs expand. The diaphragm also helps in efficient oxygen exchange. It can take several weeks to see an increase in lung capacity, but some people experience results sooner. If you are experiencing shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, consult a doctor to determine what is causing the problem.

Pranayama techniques also increase lung capacity. Pranayama exercises, which are also known as exhalation and inhalation exercises, promote lung compliance by reducing surface tension and improving concentration.

Yoga Poses Increase Lung Capacity? / Canva
Yoga Poses Increase Lung Capacity