Sometimes, when you are trying to lose weight, there will be moments when you feel like your efforts have gone to waste. Other times, you want to see better results immediately. That is why if you want to burn fat faster, there are six yoga poses you can try. Below you will find a video and detailed explanation of how to do these poses at home!
Gaurav writes in the comments:
Great for quick workout 👍
The first pose for burning fat faster is the Chair pose. This pose is like squatting, but it is higher and it is as if you are sitting on an invisible chair. With this yoga pose, you are giving your core, shoulders, biceps, triceps, and inner thigh muscles a workout. It burns calories to optimize weight loss.
The next pose that will help you burn fats faster is the Revolved Chair pose. This is a more difficult variation of the chair pose because as you maintain your chair pose position, you will twist your body to the side with the help your left elbow going over your right knee. Do the same with your right elbow and your left knee.
The Other Yoga Poses For Burning Fat Faster
The third yoga pose is the dolphin push-ups. You begin with a plank pose and your elbows should be bent while supporting your weight. Exhale and do the downward dog yoga pose, then when you inhale, you will bring your head to the floor with your nose touching the floor. Do this for a couple of breaths.
The fourth yoga pose that will help burn fat faster is the forearm plank hip dips. This is ideal to do right after the dolphin push-ups. You also begin with the forearm plank and do hip dips on both sides of your body. Dip your body as low as you can when doing this yoga pose.
The fifth and sixth yoga poses for this series is the Half Moon pose and the Warrior II pose. These are a bit more advanced so make sure to watch the video to get them right and reap the benefits of doing these positions!
Why Bodyfat is Not Healthy
In our modern world, 70% of our diet is made up of ultra-processed foods (UPPs) that are not healthy for us. These foods are the biggest sources of unhealthy fats and oils in the Western diet. They also tend to be highly palatable, which is why people tend to eat them in excess.
While we all need some body fat, too much of it can cause serious health problems. For instance, obesity can lead to high blood glucose levels and diabetes. It can also damage the heart and lead to increased blood pressure. If you’re not careful, you can end up causing damage to your organs, and to your life.
In fact, excessive body fat increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, because excess fat increases insulin resistance. People with excess body fat tend to have higher blood pressure and triglycerides. Yet, while this is a big problem, it’s largely out of your control. Fortunately, there are plenty of resources, like yoga, to help you make healthy choices.
The most dangerous type of body fat is the type that surrounds the organs. This type of body fat is called abdominal fat. People with a large waist have higher risks for cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes, and cancer. Even individuals with lower body fat levels may be at risk for cardiovascular disease and cancer, because the fat around the waist fills the space between the organs.