Many people find doing the downward dog impossible. This is because you have to plant your feet firmly on the ground to stretch your hamstrings when doing this yoga pose. However, there are modifications to doing the downward dog especially if you are a beginner. If you want to know how to do this pose, check the video below!
Chandra writes in the comments:
This was super helpful and informative! Thank you!!
The first thing you need to do when doing this pose is come down to the floor on a table top position. From this position, you have to curl your toes under and lift your hips back towards the skies.
The modification for this is to bend your knees once your hips are up. You can even bring your feet apart more than the usual. Hold this position and then come down to the table top position again.
The Benefits Of Doing Downard Dog
Whether you are doing the more advanced version of the downward dog or the modified one, there are many benefits when you do this yoga pose.
It strengthens your upper body specifically the muscles in your arms, upper back, and shoulders. It also elongates your spine because this pose helps you stretch both your upper body and your lower body.
The downward dog likewise strengthens your hands, wrists, and fingers. At the beginning of the pose, you have to plant your palms firmly on the ground and let your hands, arms, and shoulders support your body weight as you transition to downward dog.
For the benefits of this yoga pose on the lower body, it opens up the backs of your legs.
Overall, the downward dog improves circulation and relieves tension and stress.