As more and more people spend time hunched over screens, neck and back problems are becoming increasingly common. Although preventive measures such as better desk setups can help, there is only so much that can be done.
Yoga is a great way to reduce shoulder and neck pain. Here are 10 poses that can help you feel better every day.
Video – Stretches for Neck & Shoulders
Why Do My Shoulders and Neck Hurt?
Shoulder and neck pain is often caused by damage to the soft tissues in the upper part of the body. This can be the result of whiplash, inflammation, physical stress on these areas, emotional stress leading to stiffness, arthritis, or sitting still for too long. Physical injury can also cause long-term soreness.
You should always consult a doctor if you have extensive pain, but if you have mild pain there are things you can do to make your lifestyle healthier which may help manage the pain. This includes plenty of rest, hot and cold compresses, elevation, and muscle relaxation.
Yoga can help relax your muscles by providing enough of a physical challenge to keep you moving, but without causing additional strain. Here are some of the main types of shoulder and neck pain.
Shoulder Pain
If you’re having shoulder pain, try to identify any underlying medical problems that may be causing the problem.
For example, if you notice sharp pains or discomfort in your shoulder blade area, it’s possible that your shoulder blade is pressing against your lung. This is known as costochondritis.
If you’ve been diagnosed with arthritis, it’s important to talk to your doctor about taking medication to relieve your pain and inflammation.
Neck Pain
The neck is the most complex joint in the body, consisting of 32 bones and several ligaments, tendons and nerves. It has three major sections, called cervical vertebrae.
The top two vertebrae are connected by the spinal cord, which contains nerve fibers that run between the brain and the rest of the body. The bottom two vertebrae are connected by the skull.
The main muscle in the neck is the longissimus, which runs along the back of the shoulder. It has multiple functions, including rotating the shoulder.
10 Yoga Poses to Help Relieve Shoulder and Neck Pain
If you want to get rid of pain in your shoulder and neck, a common solution is yoga. There are certain yoga positions that target this area specifically.
Seated Forward Bend
This yoga pose relieves tension in neck and shoulders.
How to do the pose
- Sit in a chair with your legs outstretched.
- Grab a small pillow and place it under your butt.
- Now lean forward so that your torso is parallel to the floor. Your hands should be placed in front of your thighs.
- Keep your feet flat on the ground and slowly bend your knees until your back is completely straight.
- Once your knees are bent, reach your arms behind you, and grasp the back of your upper arms.
- Gently push your lower back towards the floor. Try to keep your hips level and your feet flat on the ground.
- Hold this position for as long as you feel comfortable, and breathe.
Warrior II Pose
Doing the Warrior II yoga pose is a great way to relieve neck pain and tension. It is also a great way to improve your posture and increase strength and flexibility in your body.
How to do the pose
- Stand up straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Put your hands on your hips.
- Bend your knees slightly and bend forward from your hips.
- Lean back until you feel a stretch in your spine.
- Slowly reach your arms out to your sides and look up toward the sky.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Bring your arms back down, stand up straight, and relax.
- The Warrior I yoga pose is similar to the Warrior II pose, except you don’t need to lean forward.
- Instead, stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Put your hands on your hips.
- Bend your knees slightly and bend forward from your hips.
- Lean back until you feel a stretch in your spine.
- Slowly reach your arms out to your sides and look up toward the sky.
- Hold for 30 seconds.
- Bring your arms back down, stand up straight, and relax.
Cat cow pose
If you suffer from neck pain, it can be very frustrating to keep doing yoga poses that cause your neck pain. Cat cow pose for neck pain. It can help you deal with neck pain caused by the head being pulled back towards the shoulder.
How to do the pose
- To do the cat cow pose, you need to place both hands on your stomach.
- Your thumbs should be facing upwards, and your forearms should be straight.
- Now lean forward so that your stomach presses against the floor.
- Keep your neck straight, and take a deep breath.
- Relax your shoulders and let your head fall backwards.
- You can hold this position for as long as you like.
- But don’t worry if your neck feels strained. If that happens, simply relax and breathe deeply for a few seconds.
- Then repeat the pose again, but this time, lift your head slightly.
- Once you’re comfortable with the pose, you can start to lift your head higher and higher.
- Once your head is completely lifted off the ground, you can continue lifting your arms above your head until they are parallel to the floor.
- This is one of the most effective yoga poses for neck pain, because it targets your neck muscles.
- If you practice this pose regularly, you will be able to reduce the amount of neck pain that you have.
Thread the needle pose
If you suffer from neck pain, you should definitely try the thread the needle yoga pose. This is a pose that focuses on stretching the muscles around your neck, improving your posture and relieving tension.
How to do the pose
- Lie face down on the floor. Bend your knees and place your feet flat on the ground, shoulder width apart. Your back should be straight.
- Inhale and lift your right arm out in front of you, as though you were going to hug someone. Extend your elbow as high as you can and turn your head to look at your hand.
- Exhale and slowly return your arm to the floor, keeping it parallel to the ground.
- Repeat the same motion with your left arm.
- Once you have completed the movement, inhale and extend your right arm again.
- Exhale and slowly lower your arm. Repeat this movement with your left arm.
- Continue for a few minutes until you feel comfortable.
Extended puppy pose
If you’re suffering from neck pain, you might want to give this yoga pose a try. It’s a very simple exercise that you can do from the comfort of your own home. This posture is great for anyone who suffers from back, shoulder, neck, or wrist pain.
How to do the pose
- To begin, kneel down in front of your mat, and sit on your heels.
- Lift your arms above your head and clasp your hands together.
- Extend your arms to the side, so that they are level with your ears.
- Gently press your forearms against the sides of your face.
- Keep your forehead flat against the floor.
- Inhale as you stretch your arms forward.
- Then exhale, as you bring your hands towards your knees.
- Next, inhale again, and pull your hands towards your feet.
- When your hands reach your feet, gently bend your elbows.
- Hold the position for several seconds.
- Then exhale, and release your hands to your sides.
Half lord of the fishes pose
While you may not have been aware of the Half Lord of the Fish pose, it is an effective yoga pose that will improve your flexibility, strength, balance and canhelp with shoulder and neck pain.
How to do the pose
- Stand up with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Bend your knees and hold onto your heels.
- Bring your left knee towards your chest.
- Your right foot should be straight ahead.
- Your right foot should be placed behind your left foot.
- Your back leg should be bent 90 degrees.
- Your right arm should be straight.
- Your left hand should be placed on top of your right knee.
- Your chin should be parallel to the ground.
- Your head should be aligned with your neck and shoulders.
- Hold this pose for 30 seconds.
- To reduce strain on your neck, release your head and neck from the floor.
- Relax your shoulders and your arms.
- Turn your body around and try again.
- Repeat on the other side.
Legs up the wall pose
This pose can help to heal your back, shoulders, and neck by reducing tension.The Legs-up-the-wall yoga pose can be done anywhere, any time. You don’t need a special mat or special equipment. You don’t even need a wall.
The point of the legs-up-the-wall pose is to build strength and flexibility. But it can be very uncomfortable when you first try it. So, if you want to avoid neck pain and shoulder pain, here’s a few tips to keep in mind when you try this pose for the first time.
How to do the pose
- Find a wall.
- Stand near the wall, about 2 feet away.
- Lie down on your back, keeping your arms straight above your head.
- Raise your legs until they are parallel to the floor.
- Hold for as long as you can before slowly lowering them back down.
- Repeat these steps at least twice a day.
You might have to do some practice before you get the hang of it. But once you get the hang of it, you’ll start to feel stronger and more flexible. And as long as you practice it correctly, you should be fine
Corpse pose
And even though we would like to say that it’s a minor thing, neck pain can actually become something major. So if you want to learn how to do the corps yoga pose to relieve some of your neck pain, then this is a great yoga pose.
How to do the pose
- Sit upright on the floor with both feet planted firmly on the ground.
- Bring the soles of your feet together, and cross them at the ankle.
- Keep your legs straight, and sit up tall.
- Place both hands flat on the floor beside your feet, and keep your arms straight.
- Now lift your body straight up.
- This is the main part of the corps yoga pose.
- Keep your chin close to the floor, and your chest up and out.
- Take a deep breath in, and then exhale slowly.
- Inhale again, and this time push your body back down as far as you can.
- Hold your breath in, and then release it slowly.
- Now repeat this exercise, but don’t hold your breath.
That’s it! You did the corps yoga pose, and you should be feeling great now.
Ear to Shoulder/Neck Rolls
The yoga equivalent of the most popular and well-known stretch for relieving neck tension takes it a little bit further.
First, ensure you are seated comfortably with your hands resting on your knees.
Sit up straight with your shoulders relaxed and your chin pushed against your chest to straighten your spine.
Roll your head to the right or left until your ear touches your shoulder, using one hand to push your head and the other to slowly push your opposite shoulder in the other direction.
Roll your head slowly to the center, then to the other side. You’ll feel your neck muscles stretch, which will feel good if you’re stiff.
This is a very gentle stretch that doesn’t require a lot of pressure. The muscles in your neck and shoulders are very sensitive, so you will feel it right away.
Cross Body Shoulder Stretch
This classic stretch is great for relieving tension in your shoulder muscles. Muscle tension in the deltoids and triceps are often the cause of your shoulders and trapezius clenching together, and this pose can help release the entire system.
2. Sit in a comfortable upright position and gently pull your arm across your body until you feel a stretch in your shoulder.
1. Hold this stretch for 3 breaths, then release and switch to the other side.
You can do this pose anytime during the day, from almost anywhere, and it will bring you near instant relief.
General Tips
Yoga is a great way to relieve stress and improve your overall health and fitness. If you have recently injured yourself, or you have a condition that causes neck pain, then you need to be careful when you practice yoga. There are many positions that can cause injury, and you need to make sure you are practicing them safely.
Here are some general tips for shoulder and neck pain.
Practice Safely
This is probably the most important thing you can do. Always practice yoga safely. If you are practicing yoga for the first time, it’s important to take it slow and build up your strength slowly.
Make Sure Your Neck Is Straight
When you practice yoga, it is important that you have a straight neck. If your neck is crooked, then it can be painful and even lead to serious injuries. This is why it is important to make sure you have a healthy neck before you start practicing yoga.
Practice Yoga Properly
While it’s important to practice yoga safely, it’s also important to practice it correctly. The key is to start with simple poses and gradually work your way up to more advanced ones.
You need to make sure you are practicing in a safe manner, and that you are learning each pose correctly.
When to See a Doctor
If you have neck pain that is not getting better, or if it gets worse, you should see a doctor. If the neck pain is accompanied by numbness, weakness in the arms or hands, or a throbbing pain in the shoulder or under the arm, these are also signs that you should see a doctor.
Your doctor can help to determine if there are any underlying reasons for the pain and what the best treatment program is. They may also refer you to a physical therapist.